Complex systems

Navigating the challenges of humanitarian-academic collaborations

Image credit: International Committee of the Red Cross/Jacob Zocherman.

In the quest for innovation and progress, partnerships between humanitarian and development organisations (HDOs) and academia have become increasingly common. However, a recent article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) sheds light on the practical challenges faced by such collaborations. Authored by Louis Potter — Managing Partner at Outsight — and a group of seasoned innovation practitioners, the article critically analyses the dynamics of partnerships between HDOs and academia, emphasising the need for a more strategic and efficient approach.

Link to the Article: Read the Full Article

Understanding the Landscape

The article delves into the motivations behind collaborations between HDOs and academic institutions. Highlighting the involvement of prominent organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the authors acknowledge the noble intentions of these partnerships—to leverage academic research and scientific expertise to address real-world problems in challenging environments.

Identifying Pain Points

Through a critical analysis informed by workshops and interviews, the authors identify three main categories of pain points along the technology development timeline: resources, deployment strategies, and roles and responsibilities. Each category poses unique challenges that, if not addressed proactively, can hinder the success of collaborative efforts.

  1. Funding and Human Resources:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of securing adequate funding throughout the project duration.

    • Challenges arise from differing expectations between HDOs and academia regarding funding sources and project scopes.

    • A lack of commitment of human resources from both sides hampers the initial stages of project development.

  2. Deployment and Sustainability:

    • The success of a technology is measured by its deployment on a wide scale, yet this remains a rare outcome.

    • The article highlights the lack of profit motivation, leading to neglect in maintenance, improvement, and training for deployed technologies.

    • Questions of self-sustainability and market outreach are critical considerations often overlooked in early project stages.

  3. Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations:

    • Clear definition of roles and responsibilities is identified as crucial for successful partnerships.

    • The authors argue that the classic academic approach to technology development may not perfectly align with the requirements of HDOs.

    • Expectations play a significant role in determining the success of partnerships, emphasizing the need for transparent communication.

Moving Forward

The authors advocate for a more strategic and informed approach to collaborations between humanitarian and academic sectors. They stress the importance of comprehensive planning, clear communication, and a critical partner selection process. The article concludes by calling for a literacy in technology innovation and development processes within HDOs to ensure a more nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by collaborative initiatives.


As we navigate the complex terrain of humanitarian-academic collaborations, the insights provided by this PNAS article serve as a valuable guide. Acknowledging the inherent challenges and proposing solutions, the authors encourage stakeholders to approach partnerships with a strategic mindset, fostering a more efficient and impactful collaboration that addresses real-world challenges in a holistic manner.

ChatGPT: the risks and opportunities for organisations in the humanitarian and development sector

ChatGPT, a large language model (LLM) developed by OpenAI, has emerged as a viable tool for improving the speed and cost of information-related work. It can help automate services, products, and processes by performing human-level information querying and synthesis instantaneously. This technology is rapidly being adopted by organisations in various sectors, including humanitarian and development organisations. However, the adoption of ChatGPT is not without risks. It is important to think about the opportunities and risks of using ChatGPT in the operations of large organisations in the humanitarian and development sector.

Some opportunities

  1. Crisis management and communication: ChatGPT can be used to monitor and respond to global emergencies in real-time, providing a centralised communication channel for updates, guidelines, and strategies, while also addressing queries from both internal and external stakeholders.

    But how?
    AI assistants like Jarvis inside Whatsapp and Telegram make it possible to consult quickly on the go. It’s also possible to generate content, such as videos, faster than ever, just with text inputs.

  2. Training and capacity building: ChatGPT can serve as an interactive learning platform, providing tailored training materials, simulations, and assessments to help build capacity within the organisation and improve the knowledge and skills of professionals.

    But how?
    Education platforms like Duolingo and Khan Academy now have AI-powered tutors for learners, and assistants for teachers.

  3. Internal knowledge management: ChatGPT can be used to query an organisation's knowledge resources, allowing staff to quickly access information and expertise, and facilitating knowledge sharing across departments and regions. 

    But how?
    Organisations train GPT-4 on their knowledge base, to have their own AI-powered workplace search (with AskNotion, Glean, or UseFini). 

    Your knowledge base can become an asset, like Bloomberg are doing by training their own GPT on their financial data.

    Documentation is being automatically created (e.g. for a codebase), and data entry and data cleaning can be increasingly automated with workflow tools like Bardeen.   

  4. Emergency surveillance: ChatGPT can monitor global crises as an early warning system, combining information from various sources (social media, news, and health reports) to provide a comprehensive and real-time picture of global threats, enabling swift response and containment.

    But how?
    It’s becoming easier and more effective than ever to scan large data streams, using models like HuggingGPT to create your own pipeline for data analytics. 

  5. Public health campaigns: ChatGPT can assist in designing and implementing highly personalised effective public health campaigns by analysing target audience demographics, behaviour, and preferences, and creating customised content to maximise engagement and impact. 

    But how?
    The founder of the world’s leading marketing platform, Hubspot, has pivoted to focusing on Chatspot, where AI helps create personalised content and marketing campaigns at scale.

  6. Policy research: ChatGPT can aid in policy research by synthesising relevant papers, data, and best practices, allowing organisations to make informed decisions and create evidence-based health policies and guidelines.

    But how?
    ChatGPT is excelling at summarising academic articles, blogs and podcasts
    Further still, it can elevate the capabilities of staff - no barrier to knowing data visualization languages or SQL queries by just using text commands.

  7. Grant management: ChatGPT can streamline the grant application, review, and reporting processes, ensuring that funding is allocated efficiently and transparently, and reducing the administrative burden on staff. It could also be used to raise the quality and level the playing field for applicants. Inevitably, it will be used by applicants and funded projects for reporting. 

    But how?
    AI-powered writing tools are speeding up the process, increasing formal writing quality and helping generate ideas (Lex, WriteSonic).

  8. Stakeholder engagement: ChatGPT can facilitate engagement with key stakeholders, such as governments, NGOs, and the private sector, by providing timely and accurate information, and enabling efficient collaboration and coordination.

    But how?
    Effort is saved on internal communications by automatic meeting summaries, which could extend further into any type of updates. 

    AI assistants are emerging as a way to make advice more engaging and accessible for external service users, such as this AI-powered agriculture advice for farmers.

  9. Multilingual communication: ChatGPT can be used to automatically translate communications, guidelines, and documents into multiple languages at zero cost and time, ensuring that vital information is accessible to a global audience and enhancing the organisation's ability to collaborate effectively across diverse regions.

    But how?
    Whisper AI has dramatically increased the quality of speech recognition of audio-to-text.
    Tech giants Meta, Amazon and Mozilla have all made translation advances, including under-represented languages, which are becoming productized.

  10. Virtual Assistants: ChatGPT can reduce staff workload, by summarising meeting notes, triaging emails, and creating intelligent alerts that connect new information with the current priorities of staff. 

    But how?
    Enabling tools like LangChain are making it possible to string multiple actions together, and AutoGPT is making it possible for Chatgpt to prompt itself to come up with and execute a plan of action. These are resulting in first assistants like Milo, an assistant for busy parents.

What are the risks?

With any technology, there are risks that need to be assessed and with ChatGPT, those risks could be more than most. The Outsight Team can help you navigate these in the way that ensures it’s possible to improve efficiency without taking unacceptable risks. Some of the common risks associated with the use of ChatGPT are as follows:

  1. Organisational Misinformation: The potential for ChatGPT to provide inaccurate information is a risk that organisations need to consider. It is important to ensure that the data fed into ChatGPT is accurate and reliable, and that the model is regularly updated and retrained to reflect changes in the data.

  2. Inherent Bias: ChatGPT may inadvertently reinforce existing biases in the data it is trained on. It is important to ensure that the data fed into the model is diverse and representative.

  3. Privacy Risks: ChatGPT has access to sensitive information and needs to be trained with data that respects the privacy of individuals. It is important to establish clear policies and procedures to protect the privacy of individuals.

  4. Legal Risks: The use of ChatGPT needs to comply with the relevant laws and regulations, including data protection laws.

  5. Reputational Risks: If ChatGPT is used to produce content or communicate with stakeholders, there is a risk that the communication may not reflect the values and tone of the organization, potentially leading to reputational damage.

How Outsight can help

To ensure safe and effective adoption, we must map the optimal use cases for the organisational level, and empower bottom-up understanding and best practices at the individual level. Outsight can support and accompany organisations on their journey to leverage this game-changing technology, and has developed a stepwise program, including:

  1. Mapping use cases relevant to the organisation's operations.

  2. Evaluating the limitations and risks associated with the identified use cases, along with a generalised framework.

  3. Prioritising innovation opportunities based on short, medium, and long-term impact.

  4. Developing education and capacity building content, workshops and trainings to have a repeatable and scalable impact on the safe adoption of ChatGPT from an end-user perspective..

  5. Supporting the implementation of capacity building programs to take advantage of cost and time savings effectively.

The ultimate goal is to support organisations to take up the dramatic time and cost-saving opportunities made possible by this technology, while protecting against the risks and limitations amidst the hype.


Harry Wilson
Harry is a product person and consultant on applying technology for impact. He has led teams which have built products used by the WHO, World Bank, UNICEF, Inter-American Development Bank, as well as acted as a consultant to companies like Facebook for Good, Microsoft and Intel. His specialist areas are AI & data, blockchain and communities.

ChatGPT is a sophisticated language model powered by OpenAI's state-of-the-art GPT-3.5 architecture. With a vast knowledge base spanning a wide range of topics, ChatGPT is an expert in answering questions and generating natural language responses that are both informative and engaging.

Outsight International
Outsight International provides services to the humanitarian and development sector in an efficient and agile way. Outsight International builds on the range of expertise offered by a network of Associates in order to deliver quality results adapted to the specific tasks at hand. If you’d like to discuss working with the Outsight team, please get in touch or follow us on
LinkedIn for regular updates.

We just started a new energy team: here's why it’s important

Extract, Exploit, Consume, Continue.

We all (mostly) universally accept that our relationship with how we all extract, use, and devour energy is fundamentally flawed and significantly problematic for the future of humanity. No longer are we in a time of hyperbolic language that starts with if, maybes and buts – we have already altered our planetary ecosystem beyond repair. As a result, themes of energy access, sustainability and transition dominate international, national, regional and local humanitarian (and wider international development) programmatic dialogues. Yet, there are significant flaws in the systems we all use to create modern, reliable and sustainable energy systems and services for forcibly displaced groups around the globe.

The specific niche the Outsight Energy Team has chosen to focus on is the integration of the lived experience of marginalized groups into actual humanitarian programmatic objectives, through the creation of socio-technical energy ecosystems. By directly connecting the conceptual and practical, the strategic and programmatic, the technical, social and everyday drivers of energy ecosystems, the Energy Team at Outsight International blends humanitarian and development approaches to provide bespoke energy ecosystem support to organizations and individuals around the globe.

Ultimately, we feel that co-design, participatory research, human centered-design, co-creation, co-design (and the multitude of other names for it) is fundamentally the right pathway to enable marginalized groups to be the protagonists of their own energy futures. Right now, focus groups and surveys seem to be infiltrating into bigger humanitarian energy systems and services but how can we all ensure that this process does not reinforce post-colonial and neo-liberal power structures that are fundamentally extractive? How can we make this process transformative for all involved?

It’s a question that does not currently have an answer - but we are working on it (and helping others work on it too).

So whilst we work on persuading institutions, founded long before we all came into this world, that the fundamental methods that they use need to change, we wanted to start building a community of clients, collaborators and team members from all over the world. Let’s bring together local, regional and global leaders to transform the sector we all inhabit. Let’s challenge ourselves and the way we work. Let’s amplify the voices of people we are trying to support. Let’s break down these power structures and be transformative rather than extractive.

Before this becomes a monologue rather than a quick read and I share our secrets with you about how we are going to create easy to use practitioner toolboxes, develop case studies and systematic evidence that can show you how we add value etc. - I will leave you with this.

Maybe thinking like this makes us at Outsight the disruptors of our sector, the ones who at the end of every meeting says, “yes, but…”. We are pushing for a sector where the voices of the forcibly displaced are embedded in every part of the discussion, and these dictate the strategic priorities to funders; not the other way round. The forcibly displaced need to be given the power to shape their own lives.

If you would like to be a part of this (just like Energypedia and others are) then reach out, send an email, post a letter, or give us a call.


Dr Ben Robinson — Outsight Energy Team lead:
Ben is an energy expert engaged with critical elements of the energy transition across Asia and Africa in the Humanitarian and wider International Development sectors. He champions innovative and disruptive socio-technological ecosystems to enable the forcibly displaced, and other marginalised communities, to be the protagonists of their own energy futures. See his most recent publications here.

Outsight International
Outsight International provides services to the humanitarian and development sector in an efficient and agile way. Outsight International builds on the range of expertise offered by a network of Associates in order to deliver quality results adapted to the specific tasks at hand. If you’d like to discuss working with the Outsight team, please get in touch or follow us on
LinkedIn for regular updates.

Environmental and Social Governance: A guided approach to creating shared value and partnerships to create impact

Introduction to ESG

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance is rapidly becoming a necessary focus for organisations internationally. Increased awareness of the reputational and financial risks associated with negative environmental and social impact has meant increased responsibility on organisations to develop strategies, as well as strengthen their reporting and governance systems. Beyond this, there is ever-growing evidence that companies with good ESG performance improve their financial bottom line in the current social climate, and that socially or environmentally purposed agencies optimise their impact when improving ESG performance.

However there is a disconnect of knowledge between those tasked with developing and implementing ESG strategies and an understanding of how to create true impact through environmental, social and governance strategies. This means that many organisational ESG strategies can be perceived as a marketing exercise, rather than creating genuine value for their stakeholders or for the environment. Considering the increasing directives, standards and regulations around ESG and sustainability performance, this could mean failing to meet ESG obligations sufficiently, which could mean a host of various legal, financial, reputational, social and sustainability risks. 

Common sustainable reporting standards include indicators for environmental, social and governance performance, although these currently focus on managing risks, rather than creating a positive impact. Moreover, these indicators do not cover all of the areas where negative impacts — including reputational damage — could occur. Standards are generally set as a minimum (at the moment for risk management) rather than an optimum (managing risks holistically and moving towards genuine sustainability while creating shared value). It means a missed opportunity: to improve the triple bottom line; increase investment in the organisation; and make a positive social and environmental impact overall. 

Opportunities for genuine impact 

Going beyond simple compliance, we see the huge unrealised potential for organisations to leverage their social, environmental and governance imperatives in a truly transformative manner that creates opportunities, for instance, by:

  • Maintaining and strengthening the brand and its reputation where customers will pay more for socially or environmentally sustainable products and services.

  • Attracting and retaining talent through consistent messaging that is aligned with company action, and by keeping the workforce engaged.

  • Better management of risks as the application of a robust framework leads to proactive management of risks.

  • Accurate valuations through better measuring of performance and consistent collection of data.

  • Increased efficiency through more strategic use of resources, optimization of supply chain enabled by better data, and improved worker performance due to increased commitment and satisfaction.

  • Create new opportunities for partnerships and innovation as the NGO and public sector (development cooperation, international governmental organisations) is actively shifting towards identifying long-term private sector partnerships with companies that are aligned to the sustainable development goals in order to optimise impact. And companies are looking to partner strategically with NGO and public sector agencies that can help them improve their ESG performance, for example, through social programming to combat child labour or other rights violations in the supply chain.

  • Increased sustainability through stronger stakeholder engagement and a net positive impact on wider society and the environment

These opportunities can be harnessed by strengthening the following domains:

  • Environmental: only monitoring environmental impact to a ‘net zero’ emissions standard. As this means balancing greenhouse gas emissions with greenhouse gas reduction, this does not include any other environmental impacts the organisation may have, such as pollution, biodiversity, natural resources and circular economy. There is a missed opportunity for a positive impact overall.

  • Social: many companies have fundraising targets for charities, and engage their staff around fundraising activities for staff engagement. Whilst this is good for both charities and the staff who engage, many organisations (companies, NGOs and public sector) do not turn their eye internally, to their own social impact on staff. Many organisations do not have, for example, a Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) team that reports to executive leadership. In addition, many companies do not have a comprehensive supply chain audit that uncovers issues of exploitation or human rights concerns at the bottom rungs of nested supply chains. There are opportunities for organisations to improve work culture, retention of talent, productivity and efficiency internally and externally, to have stronger stakeholder engagement and support to proactively mitigate risks.

  • Governance: many organisations monitor and manage their financial and legal risks, but may not ensure that their board has a strong understanding of issues related to sustainability or ESG. The EU Commission has proposed a new Directive for mandatory human rights and climate change due diligence down the supply chain. If accepted by the EU Parliament, member states will have two years to incorporate into national law. This law would affect around 16,800 companies of larger size (500+ employees) and turnover (EUR 150m), and may require changes to their governance system in relation to improved ESG performance, including board composition, and would require leadership from organisational directors. There is an opportunity (which could soon be a legal requirement in many nations) for organisations to improve their governance towards better ESG performance and positive environmental and social impact.

Many organisations do not have a dedicated ESG team at an operational level. Even though some do, those positioned in these roles may not have the background required, or the mandate from leadership, to develop strategies towards creating positive impact, rather than monitoring risks or collecting reporting data. 

The solution: Impact-focused ESG strategies

ESG performance relates to many different functions of an organisation and will look different from one organisation to another, depending on their value proposition and operations. This means that an ESG strategy must be tailored to an organisation based on many factors including: their risk appetite; a double-materiality assessment of what environmental and social impact they have; and what impact the environment and society may have on them, and how their strategy could tie into their ESG goals.

As implied by the new EU Directive proposal, it is important for ESG capacity to be present at the board level, and for organisational leadership to feel comfortable weaving ESG into their organisational strategy. For this strategy to be implemented, an ESG team may be required. To be effective in achieving the opportunities to build sustainability, this team should be mandated and qualified to: identify ESG gaps; coordinate improvements; and monitor progress. It is helpful for this team to have high visibility from executive leadership (ideally a direct reporting line), as they will be working strategically, across departments, and may need to lead organisational change processes. A strong ESG strategy will normally span across multiple functions including auditing, legal and compliance, HR, operations, programmes and communications.

Considering that improving ESG performance is relatively new to the majority of organisations, there are pioneering organisations and those that will follow. To reduce any competitive disadvantage that comes from investing in improvements (in the short term) it may be useful to incorporate advocacy and communication with trade associations and standard-setting agencies into the organisation’s ESG strategy. This can act as a platform for organisational recognition, as well as encouraging more organisations — with good practice examples and healthy competition — to catalyse the movement. It is already becoming common for trade platforms and associations to recognise or even award organisations based on ESG performance.

Considering the complex conversation around ESG at the moment, it can be hard to work out where to start, and what to do, practically, as an organisation to improve performance and sustainability — especially for organisations without current internal ESG capacity. Outsight offers a distilled, evidence-based, consultative offer to organisations wishing to take the next step.

Our proposal: A holistic approach, at the level you require

Possessing 65+ years of experience in the humanitarian and development space, working on social and environmental issues, Outsight International is extremely well placed to help organisations assess, develop and implement ESG approaches that deliver genuine impact to themselves and the communities they serve.

Our subject matter experts cover all aspects of the ESG process and we offer a comprehensive menu of services: from targeted coaching on specific issues to complete strategy development and implementation. 

For ESG to provide genuine impact, we have developed a five step process which is based on our experience in the sector. We can help organisations follow the complete process or help with the specific activities of each step.

  1. Understand ESG: By their nature, environmental, social and governance performance are extremely complex topics which can take years to understand and even longer to master. As a first step to assist organisations, we offer a standalone resource package that can help ESG implementers and key stakeholders get to grips with the topic, appropriate frameworks and critical issues. This can be run as a coaching program with ESG focal points, or as a training toolbox. 

  2. Simplify complexity and identify the gaps: ESG strategies need to embrace the complexity of their organisations and distil the most meaningful action. From leadership buy-in to supply chains, the cross-cutting nature of ESG means the process should start by engaging experts and key stakeholders to capture the complexity of real-world choices, dependencies, and tradeoffs in visual system maps that show how the parts fit together. Our system innovation experts help organisations do this in an efficient way, bringing with them years of experience in making sense of complex ecosystems and identifying the key gaps and priority areas to leverage change. 

  3. Identify the most appropriate framework: There are a range of ESG frameworks that can be chosen to apply ESG principles to your operations — there may be regulatory requirements also, depending on the sector. We help you identify the best fit for your existing systems and impact goals.  

  4. Put in place a reporting system and establish a baseline: With an understanding of your organisation's existing ESG systems and reach, and with an appropriate framework selected, the next step is to put in place the right reporting systems and audit methods to collect baseline data, on which your ESG progress can be tracked. Outsight’s reporting expertise can help set up these systems easily and efficiently. 

  5. Create a strategy and roadmap: The final and most important stage of the process is to create an impact-focused ESG strategy and roadmap. This should be built on the foundational work of the previous steps and is the point at which theory is put into practice. Strategies will vary in size depending on the goals and objectives of each organisation. They can (and should) include the following:

    1. Engagement with your stakeholders: Engage stakeholders with discussions and analysis of complex challenges that build on visual maps to co-create desired future states and a shared roadmap to get there. Co-creation enables solutions to be adapted to their specific context but also ensures legitimacy and relevance of strategies so that performance may be meaningfully improved through an efficient process. If stakeholders feel they share ownership of a plan of action, implementation becomes much easier. 

    2. Identify the right support: Depending on the organisation, Outsight can identify specialist agencies that can help them implement their ESG strategies. There is a range of outsourcing options to support the ESG implementers i.e. human rights in the supply chain, environmental impact, and good governance experts. Partnerships with organisations working in these spaces are essential to moving beyond just the box-ticking exercise that ESG can fall into. 

    3. Strategy formation: Once the right stakeholder and support have been identified, Outsight helps harmonise this with the chosen regulatory and reporting frameworks to create a strategy that can be put into practice. 

    4. Building staff capacity: Outsight can provide supporting instruction on the basics of ESG thinking and support the development of staff to engage on the topic through the use of self-assessment tools and change initiatives. Utilising this approach will enable better top-to-bottom engagement in the topic. 

    5. Communications: It’s important to encourage sustained use of system descriptions and visuals in communications, using these tools to help expand the conversation. Interactive tools, courses, and communications materials can be built for the organisation’s customers and partners, and provide an aligned strategy for understanding and addressing the effects of complex challenges. Many companies and NGOs are striving toward sustainability, beyond simply mitigating ESG risks. Considering these organisations are the pioneers, it can be useful to put pressure on the national Securities and Exchange Committee (SEC), trade associations, relevant Ministries or task-force groups surrounding operations, to recognise good practices and raise standards for other organisations. Outsight can support by mapping the system, communications and strategies for this advocacy as well. 

This approach can be widely applied to diverse challenge areas in climate action and widely shared in different educational, corporate, and community environments.


Harriet Milsted
Harriet is a Research, M&E and Reporting Consultant specialising in measuring and improving social impact, and with experience in measuring and improving environmental impact and governance systems. She is a member of the ESG Special Interest Group of the Institute of Risk Management where she was invited to speak in their first publicly broadcast panel discussion around the opportunities for improving ESG performance of private companies and NGOs respectively, through strategic partnerships. She coordinated sustainability reporting for Save the Children against the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Grand Bargain and Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and was also the Accountability representative in the corporate Risk Assurance Network. Recently she was working on an EU Spotlight initiative around improving ESG performance, with UNICEF and Baan Dek Foundation, a Thai NGO, where she facilitated the development of the corporate engagement strategy and tools for the construction sector in Thailand including property developers, contractors and subcontractors at the bottom rungs of the supply chain. She is currently consulting around ESG-related initiatives, including child labour remediation in the supply chain, combatting trafficking in persons and rights violations of migrant workers, and improving organisational sustainability for CSOs.

Outsight International
Beyond the complex systems design and communication strategy which we have outlined above,
Outsight International builds teams based on the specific needs of an innovation initiative. Much like a Hollywood movie builds its production teams to match the right talent with a particular movie, Outsight compiles the right expertise to tackle the unique challenges of a particular initiative. In the case of ESG, we are well placed to provide assistance to organisations looking to break down, solve and communicate problems. If you’d like to discuss working with the Outsight team, please get in touch or follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates.

Worth the risk? Humanitarian innovation's risk challenge

Any meaningful change comes with new risks. The merit of the change depends on the balance of benefits and risks that the change offers. Ideas that deliver essential value that cannot be obtained elsewhere may well easily justify the risks that are incurred. Deducting the risk against potential benefit can offer a way of visualising if an intervention can be justified or not. 

Humanitarian innovators have become increasingly aware of the risks associated with new creative processes, services and products. These risks are of concern when they are borne by already vulnerable people. In particular, technology change has the unintended potential to create widely distributed ripple effects that are often not immediately visible. Understanding these consequences can be daunting in their scope, as illustrated by the 2018 ICRC report “Doing No Harm in the Digital Era”, which catalogued over 100 pages of digital risks in the humanitarian context. The current humanitarian discourse is to do no harm. But is doing no harm possible when also innovating?

The Dilemma - Risk as a Barrier to Beneficial Change

The range of innovation risks is not limited to digital technologies. Drones, robotics, and even construction projects all inevitably create new risks when they change the status quo. Considering risks is an essential step in any proposed innovation, particularly one that affects people with limited resources or resilience. However, a too narrow focus on risk can bring even valuable change to a standstill.  

Whilst it is clearly wrong to needlessly expose people to risks and harm, it is also unreasonable to deny communities of potentially beneficial innovations that could substantially improve overall wellbeing.

The risks and benefits of an innovation should be assessed and measured using the same scale and common indicators as status quo programming, helping the innovators to compare, contrast and make an informed decision on whether this idea is taking acceptable risk. This is especially important as there can be a tendency to veto innovation proposals based on small risks due to perception biases. For example, risks are perceived as irrationally high when:

  1. The risk taken is involuntary.

  2. Prevalence and reach of the innovation increase to affect more people.

  3. An innovation is particularly novel.

Overall, this inherently tips the scale in favor of the status quo when dealing with innovations even though more good may be achieved through the means of innovation at equal or lesser risk as the status quo.

And what type of risk? Usually, we don’t go further in depth during risk assessments. Any sort of ‘harm’ closes the door and the idea is put ‘on hold’ indefinitely. ‘Risk’ as a general term is vague and abstract: harm needs to be considered on relative levels if it is life-threatening, financial, legal or if it is compromising the future plan of a specific person. This needs to be entered into the calculation before pausing a new idea. 

Within the humanitarian and development space also there is an added imperative to include financial risk within this calculation: money spent on an innovation that fails, could have been spent on proven methods such as vaccinations or supplies instead. This seems a legitimate points, but this is not the whole picture. As a new report from Elrha will detail, there are financial resources available to humanitarians, outside of an organisation’s operational budget i.e. through organisations like Grand Challenge Canada, foundations and impact investment grants. Through this, the level of financial risk can be mitigated. 

Finally, on how risk is assessed, we reach the problem of individual prestige. Identifying such risks in projects is a profession. Ensuring that there are people there to raise risks where they have been missed is undoubtedly important. However, such assessments often have a clear leaning towards detail, rather than the bigger picture and, as such, can lead to excessive scrutiny and stop a project in its tracks.

Comparing risk and benefit on the same scale

The relative weighing of benefit — or utility from a philosophical standpoint — is something that harks back to political philosophers of the past. John Stuart Mill – an ardent support of individual liberty — famously described the correct use of weighing utility as: 

"that actions are right in the proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness."

Mill is one of the founders of modern liberalism, widely regarded as underpinning many of the foundational principles of the current world governance. Therefore, why would we choose not to apply this principle in the case of humanitarian innovation when it’s good enough for the operation of modern democracy? 

Ultimately, the benefit and risk of two whole systems need to be compared. For example, the mortality rates for women undergoing childbirth in remote areas can be dramatically reduced through the use of drone deliveries of blood supplies.  The first system - unassisted childbirth - is the status quo, which has substantial unmitigated risks of death. The second system leverages the delivery of blood supplies by drone. This system offers strong medical benefits that are amplified by the lack of other effective alternatives. Yet, drones also come with concerns associated with safe operation in a shared airspace.  These whole systems need to be compared and contrasted with each other. 

If, as often happens, the questions around privacy or the risk of crashing a drone are seen in isolation, it’s easy to understand why permissions are difficult to obtain. Yet, if you’re to consider the possible gains of an overall system in terms of lives or disability-adjusted life year’s (DALYs), then the situation can look significantly different. 

When deciding on whether the risks of a clinical trial are acceptable, an Ethical Review Board will consider the possible improved patient outcomes in a relative manner. It seems odd this luxury is rarely extended to innovation projects, often dealing less directly with patients. Indeed, many innovation projects are deemed unacceptable because of a perceived risk to privacy or data management. Whilst this is a significantly less serious risk than the risk of side-effects in a clinical trial, it is given a disproportionately high prescience. 

Finally, when considering potential harms, it’s important to consider how we each operate within the social norms of our societies. Engaging with beneficiaries’ points of view is commonly accepted as best practice. Yet, there lies significant contradictions when considering the normative nature of humanitarian and development work. One classic example is identity and privacy. For those operating from Europe and North America, there is a tendency to see the right to privacy as fundamentally essential. Take the UK public’s resistance to identity cards, or the French law prohibiting the collection of ethnographic data for example. However, for many other regions, especially where having a recognised official identity can lead to greater access to social service provision, there is less concern for hiding personal details. Whilst this may be based on the levels of trust in government, the debate is far from definitive. Given the decolonisation of aid narrative in the humanitarian and development space, these cultural differences seem to rarely be accounted for. 

Using Systems to Support Responsible Innovation Tradeoffs

Discussions surrounding risk and harm need to be based on a broader view of the opportunity for change. This does not imply there is a blank check for change: a rigorous review of the benefits and harms alongside a consideration of alternative systems should be done for any proposed innovative change. 

A well-reasoned discussion can only be had with a big picture of both the current situation and an open mind to the proposed new combination of benefit and risk. The work that has already been done to identify potential sources of risk has laid a solid foundation on which to take this next step in analysis.  

It is now time to routinely embrace taking a more holistic view of status quo challenges and the alternative systems that are proposed to replace them. This whole systems view would not only allow a more balanced view of the value of change, it would also offer a broader range of alternatives for mitigating potential risks, or at the very least make them better understood to those involved.

About the authors and Outsight International

Dan McClure, Lucie Gueuning, Denise Soesilo, Monique Duggan, Louis Potter for Outsight International
Outsight International provides services to the humanitarian and development sector in an efficient and agile way. Outsight International builds on the range of expertise offered by a network of Associates in order to deliver quality results adapted to the specific tasks at hand. If you’d like to discuss working with the Outsight team, please get in touch or follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates.

The Complete Picture Project: Uncovering hidden AI bias

Can the diversity of the crowd be properly represented in AI datasets?

Can the diversity of the crowd be properly represented in AI datasets?

How do developers and users ensure that Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms serve all the members of a community equitably and fairly? The Outsight team has a solution…

This is not a small question. According to Forbes, the global AI-driven machine learning market will reach $20.83B in 2024. Low- and middle-income countries have already seen a rapid expansion in applications using this technology. Not surprisingly, the humanitarian and development sectors increasingly make use of machine learning models to reach beneficiaries faster, understanding needs better and make key decisions about the form and execution of life-saving programs.

AI-driven applications range from chatbots that connect individuals affected by disaster to their required resources, to applications that help diagnose bacterial diseases. These increasingly powerful new tools have the potential to dramatically improve aid delivery and life in communities affected by crisis. However, this value is tempered by the reality that biases can easily find their way into even the most diligently engineered applications.

AI models and applications are often built far from the communities where they will eventually be used, and are based on datasets that fail to reflect the actual diversity of these communities. This disconnect can lead to the inclusion of unintentional biases within an AI model, ultimately driving unfair system choices and recommendations that are difficult to detect.

For example, a recruiting application using AI may be designed to encourage new economic job opportunities and evaluate all the candidates applying for jobs. This is a laudable goal, but it can be tainted by biases in the algorithm that unfairly treat factors associated with gender, social background, physical ability, or language. The algorithm can systematically exacerbate existing disadvantages faced by certain groups.

Similar challenges can face large-scale aid programs that attempt to leverage AI. A cash distribution program serving an area hit by disaster or a conflict may use AI to guide cash distribution, check for misuse, and measure performance. If these automated insights favour certain communities, they could end up excluding already marginalised groups and individuals.

The Hiding Places of Bias

Whenever AI is employed in a decision-making system, it is in the interests of technical developers, adopting organisations, and communities to ensure that the algorithms are providing value, while not causing harm due to bias.

Determining whether subtle bias exists within an algorithm is a difficult task — even for experienced data scientists and conscientious AI users. A wide range of factors may contribute to bias within an AI algorithm, some of which are the result of the algorithm’s performance. There is a growing set of tools to help search for algorithmic bias within the logic of an AI application.

Evaluating the ‘wiring’ of an AI tool is important, but it is not the only concern. The sources of bias may inadvertently be embedded in the data set itself. Data bias risks can include:

  • Who is included — Bias in choosing who is selected in a data set.

  • How data are connected — Failure to recognise connections amongst different data that are important within a community.

  • Depth of insight — Failure to capture elements that are uniquely important for members of a community group.

As an example, datasets that are used to train and test AI models often only represent the digital footprint of a community and not its real diversity. As a result applications are developed based on the characteristics of well represented community groups.

A typical, unrepresentative dataset, upon which AI models are often based.

A typical, unrepresentative dataset, upon which AI models are often based.

In contrast, a true picture of the community might reveal many more ‘invisible’ members whose needs, resources, and desires are quite different; but that are not represented in the digital footprint.

The invisible real picture.

The invisible real picture.

An algorithm that bases its logic on an incomplete or inaccurate picture of a community will be hard pressed to assure it has not inherited biases from the data it used. Similarly, it will be difficult for a potential user of a new AI algorithm to evaluate whether it exhibits bias, if the data used for the test is itself incomplete and fails to accurately reflect the diversity of a community.

The Complete Picture Project: Building Complete Views of Communities

The Complete Picture Project (CPP) addresses the challenge of hidden bias in incomplete data sets by constructing data resources that offer a complete view of the true diversity within a community. These data sets are assembled from multiple sources and may include a wide range of source content. The goal is to provide those working to evaluate AI bias with a known starting point — where representation within the community has been carefully considered within the data.

These data sets are well positioned to support various actors in the AI ecosystem (AI designers, AI developers, data scientists, policy makers, user researchers as well as users of AI systems) who are seeking to test AI bias. These evaluations are particularly important when engaging with communities most impacted by the SDG’s. These communities may have unique traits that differ from those included in more conventional data sources. They are also more likely to have data gaps and distortions due to access to digital technologies.

These independent, broadly diverse, representative test datasets offer developers and other AI testers a data resource for which the form and content are known. These datasets can then applied to AI models and the results inspected for biases that are hidden in the model itself. This ability to test for bias across the whole community would support efforts to detect gender and other group biases at any stage of the AI development lifecycle, from early design and development to long after pre-trained algorithms are already in use.

Scaling the Impact of CPP Data Sets

CPP data sets can provide a valuable resource in support of responsible AI development and use. Intentionally constructed data sets that broadly reflect the true diversity of communities can help advance gender equality and women’s empowerment (SDG 5).

While these datasets are being initially designed to specifically address data scenarios that are relevant to women, children, and communities who are most impacted by the SDGs, the CPP methodology we establish could be easily be extended and scaled to include other applications where parameters of where algorithmic bias is a risk as well.

The definition of bias is ever-evolving. As AI developers and their sponsors build a better understanding of the real world and the biases in it from various dimensions (such as geography, culture, non-binary gender, language, migratory status, ethnicity and race), it will be important to expand the availability of intentionally representative data sets. Building a collaborator network is key to the strategy for broad development and use of CPP data sets. Collaborators are needed to better understand communities, provide and shape data sets, and to apply data to AI algorithms. There are strong network effects among this ecosystem, where AI sponsors, governments, developers and data owners combine to drive and build off each others contributions.

The intent of the CPP team is to capture and distill practices and methodologies so that they can be broadly shared and adopted by others. The availability of individual data sets will vary according to each specific use case, but open data resources would be created when possible.

Overview of the planned CPP approach.

Overview of the planned CPP approach.

Next steps

The CPP team are keen to connect with organisations who are interested in collaborating on the project. Please feel free to get in touch or contact us on LinkedIn to find out more.

About the Authors and Outsight International

Devangana Khokhar
Devangana Khokhar is an experienced data scientist and strategist with years of experience in building intelligent systems for clients across domains and geographies and has a research background in theoretical computer science, information retrieval, and social network analysis. Her interests include data-driven intelligence, data in the humanitarian sector, and data ethics and responsibilities. In the past, Devangana led the India chapter of DataKind. Devangana frequently consults for nonprofit organisations and social enterprises on the value of data literacy and holds workshops and boot camps on the same. She’s the author of the book titled Gephi Cookbook, a beginner's guide on network sciences. Devangana currently works as Lead Data Scientist with ThoughtWorks.

Dan McClure
Dan McClure specialises in complex systems innovation challenges, and acts as a senior innovation strategist for commercial, non-profit, and governmental organisations. He has authored a number of papers on systems innovation methodologies and is actively engaged with aid sector programs addressing cutting edge issues such as scaling, localisation, and dynamic collaboration building. His work builds on decades of experience as a systems innovation strategist working with global firms in fields spanning technology, finance, retail, media, communications, education, energy, and health.

Lucie Gueuning
Lucie manages the MSF REACH project — researching AI and machine learning in the humanitarian context. More widely, she focuses on digital implementation for the development and humanitarian sector. She believes that digital solutions can be harnessed in order to increase the efficiency of the humanitarian sector and the service provisions for the most vulnerable.

Denise Soesilo
Denise is one of the Co-founders of Outsight and has worked with many humanitarian and UN agencies — advising on the application and implementation of technologies in humanitarian operations.

Outsight International
Outsight International provides services to the humanitarian and development sector in an efficient and agile way. Outsight International builds on the range of expertise offered by a network of Associates in order to deliver quality results adapted to the specific tasks at hand. If you’d like to discuss working with the Outsight team, please
get in touch or follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates.

The Hollywood Model: Dynamically built teams for creativity at scale

Hollywood Studio Film Crew - Grant Crabtree Collection.jpg

Outsight works with its network of Associates using the Hollywood model — a way to build dynamic teams, quickly, that are best-suited to a particular project. This can be particularly useful in the humanitarian and development sectors, where the tendency is to hire based on narrow technical competencies. But how does it work? And why is it called the Hollywood model? Dan McClure, an Outsight Associate explains more…

How many organisations can produce the equivalent of a hit movie? While it’s easy to roll your eyes at some of Hollywood’s efforts, the reality is that this industry is capable of repeatedly undertaking new and original initiatives: leveraging a myriad of different skills in the service of a complex and rapidly shifting market. Their survival and success depends on the ability to repeatedly do creativity at scale.

Until recently, few other industries had to meet similar creative demands. Most organisations — whether they were commercial businesses, government agencies, or non-profits — could focus on mastering the things they already did. A leader’s goal was to make sure things were well run and competent. Any incremental improvements reinforced established capabilities.

Committing to a steady course like this requires a stable world. Unfortunately, disruptive change is sweeping through one industry after another. Even before the advent of the global pandemic, it was clear we had entered into a turbulent era where new ideas, bold action, and systemic change would be necessary to claim a relevant place on the world stage. The winds driving this change are powerful: new technologies of a fourth industrial revolution, trans-border problems like climate change, and massive societal shifts in education, economic capacity, and urbanisation.

This is a world where being good at bold imaginative change has become a necessary core competency. For that reason, it is well worth taking a closer look at what Hollywood did to prepare for a business based on creativity at scale.

The Hollywood Studio System

Organisations are built to address the type of challenge they face. When mid-twentieth century Hollywood had to produce primarily for middle America’s host of movie theaters, the studio system arose. Large integrated movie studio operations bought together, under contract, the many types of talent needed to imagine and create a movie. Actors, directors and a host of other professionals in the employ of the studio execs — establishing a model that could efficiently produce a steady stream of films for a single major distribution channel: local movie houses.

This is not so different from the approach most large commercial and public sector institutions take to professional staffing today. As projects come and go, the organisation’s portfolio of skilled individuals are moved within the organisation, perhaps augmented by consulting resources that expand or fine tune the skill set.

Assuming a stable world, organisations can align the skills they have on staff with their mix of needs.

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The studios’ comfortable level of control was challenged in final decades of the century, when the movie industry faced an increasingly challenging creative environment. New competitors threatened their entertainment monopoly and audiences demanded a more sophisticated and varied fare. Movies yielded ground to TV, which gave way to cable, and has now fragmented into a host of streaming services and other specialised media platforms. The quantity and sophistication of content has rushed ahead too, with last decade seeing the number of scripted shows growing by over 150% ushering in an age of peak TV.

The industry had to produce more demanding creative work at an ever accelerating pace. The unique demands of ambitious projects made it increasingly difficult to effectively bring the talent needed for the varied efforts under one roof. While a big budget action film might be best served by one set of skills, these could quite different from those needed to successfully realise an intimate drama or scripted TV series on a streaming service.

As creative projects grew in ambition and became increasingly unique, the studio lost its role as the centralised home of talent. Thus, more projects were assembled from a pool of individuals and organisations that had specific skills and resources.

Dynamic Collaborations: Building the Right Team

This shift from highly centralised team to custom-created networks of collaborators makes sense when program efforts must be both ambitious and original. Big ambitious challenges need a wide range of different skills, so there is creative power in a model where the right talent can be bought together for each unique project.

An organisation with its own ‘studio’-style teams inevitably find it difficult to overlay their fixed set of organisation skills on such shifting needs. Mismatches and gaps quickly emerge. In some cases, additional capacity will be needed, while in others, exceptional skills will go to waste. Gaps emerge in areas of expertise either because existing staff are insufficiently skilled or because the role is entirely new.

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In this turbulent creative environment, the value of a stable, highly optimised, organisational skillsets is eroded. The new Hollywood Model recognised this, assembling a tailored team for a specific initiative and then allowing the various professionals to move to another project.

It should be noted that this ability to build dynamic teams is not about fighting for the top 1% of super skilled individuals. That’s a game that large well funded organisations will almost always win. Instead, highly effective teams are created by tailoring the right type of talent to the task. Someone who might be of marginal value on one project, could be a premier contributor on a different type of initiative. Leaders don’t need to fight for the widely recognized superstars, but rather can focus on finding the uniquely right contributor.

The ability to align complex projects with diverse talent also provides creative returns to the project contributors. Practitioners with a unique set of skills can cobble together a series of similar projects where their talents are fully appreciated. It also becomes possible for those with a more vagabondish soul to diversify their work, avoiding pigeonholes by embracing a number of different efforts.

Fostering Dynamic Creative Ecosystems

As the demands for creativity at scale grow in the world, other sectors can and should look for opportunities to adopt a Hollywood Model of dynamic collaboration building. Of course, this shift comes with new demands. One of the crucial advantages of traditional self-contained organisations is that the infrastructure for managing and integrating teams is clearly defined. When Hollywood abandoned the studio system, a number of new supporting services needed to emerge to fill these ecosystem building needs.

This is not trivial work. Dynamically constructing a collaboration requires the ability to identify and validate talent, negotiate acceptable terms of engagement, and integrate day-to-day activities. Simply trawling the world talent pool for potential matches between a project and a professional creates excessive overheads for all involved.

An ecosystem of both formal and informal support for collaboration building is needed to make the model viable. Across different sectors, nimble supporting services are rising to the challenge. A wide range of approaches are emerging, ranging from bare-bones freelance marketplaces to far more sophisticated program facilitators that take an active role in execution of collaborative work.

Collaboration - Hollywood Model Teams.png

Other aspects of the collaborative ecosystem evolve more organically. For example, a study of video game development, where the product is created by many different collaborators, found that within the shifting networks of contributors were informal clusters of professionals and teams that regularly worked together.

Time to Embrace of the Hollywood Model

As organisations find that their challenges are increasingly defined by disruptive change, rather than stable performance, the need to create at scale becomes more urgent. Leaders may be tempted to see this as an issue of imagination, driving them to promote ideas and innovations from within an organisation’s walls. Encouraging creative thinking certainly isn’t a bad course of action, but it fails to recognise the systemic barriers a self-contained organisation faces when it seeks to actually realise an ambitious new vision.

Reaching outward, creating a more flexible organisational structure by dynamically building the teams that tackle initiatives, opens the door to effective action on big ideas. Ideas can be more original (tapping the right unique skills) and bigger (assembling larger creative teams). This is done while still making it possible for each new initiative to pursue possibilities that are different from the program before.

This is the kind of creative capacity our era of disruptive change demands. Whether an organisation is working in business, government, or non-profit action, it’s time to take inspiration from the Hollywood Model, and break down walls in the name of creative prowess.


Dan McClure has spent over three decades working on the challenge of disruptive systems innovation. He has advised global commercial firms, public sector agencies, and international non-profits in support of their ambitious efforts to imagine and execute agile systems level innovation.

Outsight International is an organisation specialised in providing services to the humanitarian and development sector in an efficient and agile way. Outsight International builds on the range of expertise offered by a network of Associates in order to deliver quality results adapted to the specific tasks at hand. If you’d like to discuss working with Dan and the Outsight team, please get in touch or follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates.

Decrypting human-centred design: Why it is important for the third sector


What role can human-centred design practically play in development and humanitarian work? As a researcher and designer, Gunes Kocabag — an Outsight Associate — is often asked this question. Sometimes with scepticism — but more often with genuine interest.

Human-centred design has become a respected practice in certain parts of the humanitarian and development sectors (aka the third sector). However, while many people may have seen references to its techniques, it may not be obvious how it is applied in practice. In this article, she outlines: what is human-centred design; why it is necessary; and how to apply it in humanitarian and development contexts.


Design has historically been categorised as an art, a craft, or as a way to improve the look and functionality of products. However, from the 80s onwards a new perspective on design has progressively taken hold – an approach that defines design as a process and a mindset that can be applied to solve diverse problems. The term ‘Design Thinking’ was popularised by the design firm IDEO in the early 90s and today has gained increasing popularity in the business world as a methodology to approach complex problems.

A key principle of the design mindset is its emphasis on placing user needs and expectations at the centre of the process. As users (aka customers) in the commercial context are more and more empowered with their decision making, companies are racing to understand their users and identify their innermost unmet needs to create the next winning product in the market. That is why user-centred design is increasingly popular in corporate innovation circles.

Global development work often happens within complex systems made up of multiple partners, people on the ground, multiple end beneficiaries and various contextual factors. So it is not only about creating solutions that work for the end-user but also for all key stakeholders within the system. It requires an approach that is not only user-centred, but human-centred, which takes into account the complexity of all stakeholders. Thus, in humanitarian and development innovation, the term that is predominantly adopted is human-centred design (HCD).


Although human centred-design is becoming increasingly recognised and embraced by leading third sector actors such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF and WHO working regularly with innovation, there remains lack of clarity on how human-centred design can be properly harnessed to ensure better interventions for a greater range of projects.

Here are three key reasons why human-centred design can greatly improve the success of humanitarian and development projects.

Reason 1: HCD complements system thinking to reveal differences between how the system works in theory and how people actually engage with it

Systems thinking is often referred to as a go-to approach to solve complex problems — and rightfully so — as it provides a great way to break down and make sense of the parts of a system and the relationships between them.

The systems thinking pioneer Donella Meadows defines social systems as “the external manifestations of cultural thinking patterns and of profound human needs, emotions, strengths and weaknesses.” Human-centred design can help dig deeper into those external manifestations to get to the core of human behaviours, needs and expectations behind them.

By placing the focus on the human actors within the system, HCD helps bring abstract concepts such as beneficiaries, government officials or private sector initiatives to life.

By placing the focus on the human actors within the system, HCD helps bring abstract concepts such as beneficiaries, government officials or private sector initiatives to life.

By placing the focus on the human actors within the system, HCD helps bring abstract concepts such as ‘beneficiaries’, ‘government officials’ or ‘private sector initiatives’ to life: identifying the human stories behind each, with their unique needs, motivations and goals. HCD’s emphasis on qualitative data helps us move beyond an understanding of what people do to an understanding of the social, cultural, and psychological patterns that reveal why people behave the way they do.

Understanding not only how the system theoretically works, but also how people live and breathe within the system, we can create effective solutions that meet needs and expectations at both functional and emotional levels.

Case study: Improving the adoption of home-based immunisation records (HBRs) in Africa

Home-based records are medical documents issued by a health authority, and provide a record of an individual’s history of primary healthcare services (e.g. vaccinations) received. They are maintained in the household by an individual or their caregiver. Since the beginning of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) in 1974, home-based records have served an important role in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of immunisation programs around the world. However, retention rates in many countries remain significantly low, which is particularly worrying in countries with a high birth cohort.

To tackle this problem, we first need to understand the system and the actors within the system. A systems-thinking approach focuses on understanding the key parts of the system and how they interact with each other. Adding human-centred design to that, we glean a better understanding of the human actors behind the institutions and the human actors that affect and get affected by the system.

When I worked on this challenge in collaboration with WHO and multiple other development partners, focusing on six African countries, our first task was to understand the system map and identify the key stakeholders. Then we applied HCD to dig deeper. Through ethnographic, immersive research on the ground with health workers and caregivers as well as officials in the Ministries of Health, we were able to challenge the big picture.

During pilot research, we brought together Ministry of Health officials, caregivers and health workers to compare their knowledge of how the system should be working, with an understanding of how it is actually working. Being able to observe what was actually happening, the physical and emotional burdens on the ground, what unofficial, makeshift solutions were put in place by those who had to solve problems on the ground helped us all view the system under a different light and helped shift priorities at the institutional level. Through this nuanced understanding, we were able to align key stakeholders on prioritising the needs of the end beneficiaries and health workers on the ground, as well as creating a roadmap for successful implementation that balanced the different priorities of the stakeholders involved.

Reason 2: HCD goes beyond creating solutions to creating end-to-end experiences that drive adoption

For successful adoption of a developed solution, a functional framework focusing on efficient delivery is not enough. To deliver a solution that is efficient and effective, we need to ensure it fits into the lives of those who will be using it. The main premise of HCD is to frame the whole challenge from the perspectives of the human actors, be this the end beneficiary, a specific actor in the value chain, or a key decision maker. We then design interactions and experiences tailored for the specific context and expectations of those who will be interacting with the particular product or service.

When designing services, HCD addresses these interactions not only at one point in time but through the whole journey of service delivery: before, during and after. This helps us understand the functional and emotional highs and lows of the experience, developing fixes to mitigate the lows and catalysers to enhance the highs. Through this methodological approach we can identify potential pitfalls early on and design solutions that work end-to-end.

A service journey maps out the user’s experience step by step, as well as the people, processes, policies, and systems behind the service delivery.

A service journey maps out the user’s experience step by step, as well as the people, processes, policies, and systems behind the service delivery.

Case study: Improving the quality of data in humanitarian emergencies

Access to high quality and timely data can be a life and death-defining factor when monitoring humanitarian emergencies. The MSF REACH project, coordinated by my colleague, Lucie Gueuning, is an initiative addressing exactly this problem through creating a web-based platform to support MSF staff on the ground. The platform combines institutional data with crowd-sourced information from various sources.

While all are working towards a common goal, the platform needs to be used by different types of users with different levels of familiarity with the technology, different environments of use, culture and legal context, different skill sets and mental models. The quality of the data, which is key to the platform’s success, depends on providing an inclusive experience to all its different users.

A human-centred approach to solution development in such a context, can ensure that the user experience of the platform is designed to maximise its effective use by different users, taking into account all steps of the experience from accessing the service to data entry to making sense of the data. To give one specific example, the design of the user interface can have a significant impact on the quality of the data as well as how users perceive and prioritise data.

By putting users at the centre, human-centred design ensures that the interactions fit the users’ different mental models and drives the adoption and successful use of the platform. For MSF REACH this means high quality data, which is critical for saving lives.

Reason 3: Through divergent thinking, HCD catalyses new perspectives and out-of-the-box solutions

HCD is a process that can be applied to different problem spaces. It is made up of iterative cycles of divergent and convergent thinking, following a pattern of exploring possibilities before narrowing down on one solution. This emphasis on divergent thinking allows its practitioners to ask ‘what if…’, think out of the box and imagine possibilities beyond established patterns of thinking. Divergence is then followed by a structured and criteria based process of convergence that defines what is possible.

HCD follows an iterative process where divergent thinking is followed by structural convergence, both for problem definition and for solution development.

HCD follows an iterative process where divergent thinking is followed by structural convergence, both for problem definition and for solution development.

Bringing together different mindsets and skills sets is essential for divergent thinking. This helps explore the problem space from different perspectives and create richer solutions. Thus, HCD projects rely on a combination of different topic expertise combined with the perspectives of stakeholders on the ground. Participatory design, co-creation with communities, design sprints are common methodologies that are used to catalyse divergent thinking in a structured way.

Case study: Developing a strategy for 10 years from now

Developing strategies and roadmaps in the humanitarian and development context is a complex task. It involves multitudes of stakeholder (often with very specific areas of expertise) who need to understand one another, if not reach a common understanding. Building empathy between stakeholders is key to having a meaningful conversation around priorities. HCD, with its emphasis on divergent thinking, can create a space for building empathy among stakeholders, a safe space to step into someone else’s shoes and think creatively. It is here that HCD practitioners can thrive in a facilitating role, helping structure discussions, outcomes and strategic roadmaps.

When I worked with a global foundation as a consultant on HCD, our challenge was to bring together employees to co-create a future strategy while introducing the HCD methodology. Using a HCD approach, we were able to get participants from different groups within the foundation to work together and collectively discuss how the foundation should evolve to support its global network of partners. In a workshop setting, participants stepped into the shoes of policy makers, advocates, scientists, end beneficiaries and other actors they interact with day to day. With this new perspective, they articulated how the future could impact those actors and what this could mean for the foundation’s strategy. This approach enabled participants to leave behind their roles and titles and explore the problem space from a new angle, providing a strong foundation for the definition of a new strategy.

To sum up, human-centred design can greatly improve the success of humanitarian or development projects by:

  • Revealing the nuances between how the system works in theory and how people actually engage with it.

  • Creating end-to-end experiences that drive adoption.

  • Catalysing new perspectives and out of the box solutions.


Going back to my initial question, ‘What role can human-centred design practically play in development and humanitarian work?’, I would like to finish this post by providing some concrete pointers on when and how you can incorporate HCD into your work:

  • During scoping and need identification - to ensure we’re accounting for the experiences, needs, mindsets and context of the all human actors involved and not just making assumptions about what is needed.

  • During solution development - to develop solutions that fit into the lives of the target group and provide an end-to-end experience that drives adoption.

  • During implementation - to prototype and test solutions with users and stakeholders, to learn and iterate to improve the solutions.

  • During monitoring and evaluation - to complement quantitative data on what is happening with qualitative exploration of why it is happening.

  • Throughout our work - to catalyse collaboration, out of the box thinking, iterative solution development and experimentation through design sprints, co-creation workshops or methodological training.

Human-centred design is not just a high-level theory, but a practical tool that can add value over different project phases. For those who use it, it quickly becomes indispensable for achieving efficient and effective implementation. It is exciting to see its increased adoption in the global development field, yet there are still many more situations in which humanitarian or development practitioners are not taking in the whole picture, and thus missing opportunities to implement much more efficient projects and systems.


Gunes is a researcher and service designer specialising in the development of human-centred solutions in complex stakeholder environments. She has worked as a consultant for public and private sector entities as well as global development organisations in areas including global health and financial inclusion.

Outsight International provides services to the humanitarian and development sector in an efficient and agile way. Outsight International builds on the range of expertise offered by a network of Associates in order to deliver quality results adapted to the specific tasks at hand. If you’d like to discuss working with Gunes and the Outsight team, please get in touch or follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates.

Mastering the art of hard problems (and avoiding the rush to easy solutions)

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Forward looking organisations take the need for innovation seriously, seeking original ideas that help avoid disruptive threats and pursue original opportunities. Unfortunately, these much needed initiatives often fail to deliver on their promise of impactful change.

There are a number of common stumbling blocks. Good ideas may fail to earn the required investment, while even those that are funded find that they are unable to muster on-the-ground support necessary to drive adoption. Unexpected barriers, tangled dependencies, and ongoing change in the surrounding environment can also derail the innovator’s plans. Perhaps the most disappointing projects, are those that succeed only by staking out a small vision, taking incremental steps that make little impact on future success.

Surprisingly, these varied failures are seldom driven by a team’s incompetence or lack of creative imagination. Instead, they are more often tied to a specific, but crucial, step that is missed in the creative process. In a team’s rush to embrace a solution, they fail to first immerse themselves in the full messiness of the problem that underlies an important challenges.

Rushing to Design

Innovation typically begins with lots of energy. Well trained innovators listen attentively to those who are immersed in the area where change is needed. They use these insights to identify a good idea and then quickly move forward with design decisions that are informed by user engagement (option #1 on the diagram). They fail fast and learn quickly.

This approach drives directly to a usable solution, yet a strong case must be made for inserting an additional step early in the process. Even a fast moving innovator can benefit from taking time to understand the root cause of the problem that is behind their User’s need (option #2 on the diagram). This insight helps inform good design decisions. Still, there are limits to this targeted look back. Focusing only on the specific problem behind a user’s need often leaves the original vision unchallenged. The innovator may do a slightly better job in design, but still rushes ahead with the same fundamental solution.

Innovation teams may justifiably feel that they are doing a good job when they use these first two strategies. Yet, these seemingly well tested practices still fall short.

The unrecognised challenge is that neither genuinely important problems nor truly impactful solutions are as simple as they appear in this rush to design. In real world systems, diverse individuals and organisations are tangled together, so that even simple activities are the result of dynamic collaborations involving varied skills, resources, and motivations.

Seeing Beyond the Keyhole

This fact requires a non-trivial addition to conventional fast moving innovation methodologies. Before rushing forward to solution design, there is a need to pause and intentionally look back at the messy systems that are at the heart of the problem. (#3 on the diagram)

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Understanding these systems demands a fundamentally different way of thinking. While a User’s specific challenge may be quite real, it is just a fraction of a much bigger picture. When an innovator focuses only on a specific need, it is as if they stare at the world through a keyhole. What they see is true, but it is hardly a complete view of what is inside the room.

This small actionable view comes at a cost. The unobserved complexity and challenges that lie outside the User’s and the innovator’s immediate view become stumbling blocks. Unrecognised complexity undermines business cases, casts doubt among potential stakeholders and leaves innovators surprised and unprepared for barriers and setbacks.

Innovators fail when they assume the world is simpler than it is. Of course this isn’t always the case. If an idea is small enough, or already thoroughly understood, it is possible to confidently make a small tweak or addition based on a narrow view of a problem and solution.

Yet, when innovators ambitiously seek to drive more substantive and sustainable change, it is no longer possible to assume that important problems can be addressed with simple ideas. To be truly impactful, the solution must embrace the true complexity of the problem and be suited to the scale of the challenge.

The embrace of the real world’s messiness begins by letting go of the original idea. Instead of supporting a preordained path to addressing a challenge, the user’s need can be treated as a symptom of the challenges found in complex real world systems. This broad-based, systems perspective looks at the diverse actors involved and seeks to understand how the world works. In real world systems, if something good or bad happens it is because of the way these tangled webs of actors, interactions and incentives connect. Understanding the rich complexity of these systems opens the door to a far more sophisticated view of the challenges and possible solutions.

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The Power of Embracing Hard Problems

Investing time and effort in building a big picture view of a problem requires significant investment. This can be difficult to embrace. Just at the moment when everyone is excited to drive forward with realising the solution, the journey seems to take an about-face. Sponsors and participants in the creative effort may worry that the project is becoming mired in “analysis paralysis”. Fortunately, this thinking does not have to be bogged down in a never ending swamp of details. Rather, the effort should look down from above, doing just enough big picture work to see the important patterns of the system and its actors. This big picture systems view is broad but not necessarily deep.

With a top down view of the systems behind the problem, it possible to leverage four powerful creative capabilities:

  1. Claim Bigger Problems – A bigger picture of the challenge naturally encourages broader thinking about the nature of the challenge and the scope of the solution. A particular User may have identified a specific issue, but it is far more likely that making a substantial change that impacts the future will require addressing a more substantial version of the problem.

    Stretching the problem can help the innovator to strengthen their case for change. Smart organisational leaders naturally guide their investments to big urgent problems. Stepping back and understanding the full scope of the challenge allows the innovator to claim a bigger more compelling problem.

  2. Design More Sophisticated Solutions – It’s easy for an Innovator to look naive when they propose a simple solution to genuinely hard problems. Seasoned experts in the field quickly identify shortcomings, challenge the idea, and withdraw their support, often taking others with them.

    While an individual User may see a particular aspect of a challenge, working with system’s view makes it possible to see the many interconnected elements that are in play. Understanding the complexity of the problem makes it possible to recognise dependencies, trade-offs, and barriers that are only apparent when the entire system is considered. The innovator can then propose a sophisticated solution that rises to those challenges.

  3. Tap Complexity’s Bigger Toolkit – There are many moving parts and dynamic interactions in a real-world system. Understanding this complexity can be a challenge, but it also offers a creative gold mine of resources and capabilities that can be used to build solutions.

    Seeing a broad-systems view offers the use of a big toolkit that includes varied actors, capabilities, technologies, and existing resources. These resources can be reassembled in new and creative ways, building powerful solutions without starting from scratch. Shaping solutions with this holistic view also allows innovators to take advantage of synergies and emergent behaviours which are only visible at a systems level.

  4. Enable Creative Agility – The final advantage of beginning with a systems view of the problem is tied to the actual development of the idea. As innovations become bigger and more ambitious, the more they face unknowns and uncertainty. It’s simply not possible to plan a large creative change in advance.

    Powerful solutions are not just about coding a piece of technology and releasing it. High impact innovations require a wide variety of people, institutions, and technologies to evolve together, progressively transforming the current real-world systems.

    At any point on this journey an unexpected barrier may rise up to derail the effort. The best way for innovators to respond is to pivot and adjust as they go. Rooting an innovation in a broad understanding of the problem, rather than a specific solution, gives the innovator the flexibility to nimbly adjust their vision. When necessary, they can take a significantly different approach the solution, because they can see alternative ways to solve the underlying problem.

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A Worthwhile Creative Discipline

Because a systems understanding of the problem is so useful throughout the innovation lifecycle, it is important to begin thinking about it early in the creative effort. This is not a bit of busy work that delays the real job of the innovator. While rushing forward into detailed design and implementation may feel tangible and productive, it is in fact an indulgence that borders on creative negligence.

Taking the time to think deeply about the messiness and deeper challenges, when everyone is anxious to drive quickly forward, can be a hard sell. Nonetheless the creative payoff is substantial. Building an early understanding of the system behind the problem makes it far more likely that the idea will eventually be big enough to matter and will survive the winding journey to adoption.

About Dan and Outsight International

Dan McClure has spent over three decades working on the challenge of disruptive systems innovation. He has advised global commercial firms, public sector agencies, and international non-profits in support of their ambitious efforts to imagine and execute agile systems level innovation.

Outsight International is an organisation specialised in providing services to the humanitarian and development sector in an efficient and agile way. Outsight International builds on the range of expertise offered by a network of Associates in order to deliver quality results adapted to the specific tasks at hand. If you’d like to discuss working with Dan and the Outsight team, please get in touch or follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates.